Thursday, August 21, 2008

as promised, here! =D


hehh! too many pics le. so i thought of putting 10 for that day only.
if not junwei will read until out of breath. X)

and here!


and i'll end this off with our dearest eeyore pic! X)

i'm off to watch 梦幻情侣!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

1st day of FOP!: Ingredients to a healthy church.

Heyyo! FOP was fantastic! Right people? =D

My hardest paper was ytd. So finally! I can blog!

I believe some of you have missed at least 1 day's sermon.
But have no fear!
I shall now type out the sermons for all 3 days.
Do look at it and reflect. (:

Day1 (Friday)
Title: Ingredients to a healthy church.

Acts 9:31
Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit; it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord.

• Acts was written by a man named Luke.
• In this verse, Luke didn't write about the programs that the church had. Instead, he talked about the atmosphere of the church.

4 Ingredients

1) Peace.
Peace = Harmony.
Peace ≠ tension, etc.

• In the beginning, man had peace with God.
• When both Adam and Eve left the garden, God could have said “Forget it!”
• But He didn’t.
• He still wants to have peace with us.
• He sent a redeemer.

A) Not only do we need to have peace with God. We also need to have the peace of God.

B) We also need to have peace with one another.
Rom 12:18
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

2) Encouragement
Encouragement = to build each other up.

A) Look in the good in others. And communicate!
• To affirm.
*encouragement is oxygen for the soul!

B) Help.
Help = to see the potential and to speak into this potential.
When we encourage others, use are, and can become.
Do not use used to be.

C) Adjust. Speak the truth in love
• Weakness that others have.
• the sooner you know of your weakness, the sooner you will solve it!

3) Comfort.
Comfort = to come alongside someone when he/she is going through difficult times.
• God often use people to comfort us.

**Reminder! In Getting Started lesson 9, we learn that we need encouragement to grow spiritually.
Hebrews 10:24 (Phillips)
Let us think of one another and how we can encourage each other to love and do good deeds.

4) Fear of God.
Psalm 5:10
God, show that they are guilty.
Let their evil plans bring them down.
Send them away because of their many sins.
They have refused to obey you.

• Obedience is the ultimate act of worship!

E410! let's apply all this points in our lives alrye! =D
ok, i'll blog about the 2nd and 3rd day tmr. or when i'm back at night.
got to go for school alr! X)

E410! GOGOGO!! =D