Saturday, December 29, 2007


dont know if the lyrics work for all of you guys but it is quite apt of what i feel

yeah just want to say that you all have been a very different set of people, i mean i've been in church since i was sec 2 and the people were good but there's just something, special about this group. and this cg, we have been through up and downs, complicated situations, and the worse of everything, knowing that some people are having a tough time and also, seeing people go.
so at the end of the year, i really want to extend my thanks to everyone who was part of e410, whether you still hang out with us that often or not, you are still very much a friend! :) seriously there are times when those not around are really missed. but really appreciate those still keeping in touch!

and those who are here, all the fun/confused/tired/stressful moments - remember we're all in this together
we may not be awarded the best cg but i still think you guys are the best hahaha
whatever that might be halting us now, lets clear it up and 'walk as one' again
i cant say how much i appreciate you guys even an hr vid wont be able to do it. but thank God for you
and annie, anyone can see it wasnt easy coming and picking up our cg from where we were left off, and for all the efforts, even those that we do not know of, thank you!

Thank you everyone for a memorable year gogogo
08 ahead!
>< i'll be 20 TWEEEEENTY