hey E410ians!
the pictures and vids are in facebook.
LINNNNNNN! pictures!!!!!
it's ur turn to upload!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008

ning's b'day present from her frnd.
and her frnd's name is call kway chap. LOL!
it happened on her b'day!
and the funniest was that none of us took out tissue!
but instead, we took out our phones.
and linn, most powerful de.
she said "wait wait, i take tissue."
but she was trying to find for her camera to let aaron take pic!

wendy look like she's gna sleep. like we're not sabo-ing her enough.
and edmond's expression tells me "ahhhhh!!"

haaas! my favorite couple in the cg is not junchen and liyun!
but is leonard and edmond! X)X)X)

junchen and liyun ps us!!
but they did join us after dinner. (:
ohyea! i've posted the pictures taken at jankie's chan cafe in facebook too.
will post it here soooon. i think.
off to school liao. (:
p.s. my camera is spoilt, so i cant take anymore pictures!
so someone, anyone, please bring ur cameras if u have, so that u can take the cg's most candid moments!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
heyhey guys!
wna share w u guys about what i learnt in effective evangelism.
often when there's a big event, we'll invite our friends, hoping that they get saved, integrated into the cell.
yepyep! these are 2 steps of evangelism. BUT! we often forget to do the FIRST step! invitation is step 2, and integration is step 3.
so! what's step 1???
take out all u guys' Bible! and flip with me to Genesis 1:1-3!
A sequence of events for creation and re-creation of the earth:
1) creation.
2) The earth with without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.
3) The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
4) The Word of God was spoken.
5) The earth was re-created.
A sequence of events for for the redemption and salvation of man:
1) We are born.
2) We are in sin - without spiritual form, living with a Christ-less void in our hearts and walking in darkness.
3) The Spirit of God began hovering over our lives and doing a work in our hearts.
4) The Word of God was spoken into our heart and spirit.
5) We are saved - reborn in the Spirit.
u guys see the similarities?
the Holy Spirit was incubating over our lives before we came to Christ.
just like a hen, she sits on her eggs, incubating them, and preparing her chicks before they see the light. (:
so guys! let's pray for the Holy Spirit to move in our friends' lives. pray about it over a certain period of time. and when it is the time, invite our friends. their hearts will be opened by then to receive the Word of God.
the upcoming big event will be X'mas!
so people!, let's start to pray for our friends, for their hearts to be so open. and when it's nearing X'mas, let's invite them. =D
wna share w u guys about what i learnt in effective evangelism.
often when there's a big event, we'll invite our friends, hoping that they get saved, integrated into the cell.
yepyep! these are 2 steps of evangelism. BUT! we often forget to do the FIRST step! invitation is step 2, and integration is step 3.
so! what's step 1???
take out all u guys' Bible! and flip with me to Genesis 1:1-3!
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.
A sequence of events for creation and re-creation of the earth:
1) creation.
2) The earth with without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.
3) The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
4) The Word of God was spoken.
5) The earth was re-created.
A sequence of events for for the redemption and salvation of man:
1) We are born.
2) We are in sin - without spiritual form, living with a Christ-less void in our hearts and walking in darkness.
3) The Spirit of God began hovering over our lives and doing a work in our hearts.
4) The Word of God was spoken into our heart and spirit.
5) We are saved - reborn in the Spirit.
u guys see the similarities?
the Holy Spirit was incubating over our lives before we came to Christ.
just like a hen, she sits on her eggs, incubating them, and preparing her chicks before they see the light. (:
so guys! let's pray for the Holy Spirit to move in our friends' lives. pray about it over a certain period of time. and when it is the time, invite our friends. their hearts will be opened by then to receive the Word of God.
the upcoming big event will be X'mas!
so people!, let's start to pray for our friends, for their hearts to be so open. and when it's nearing X'mas, let's invite them. =D
Monday, November 24, 2008
this is for the sisters, if ure interested!
so brothers! u guys can forget about reading this! X)
this is for the sisters, if ure interested!
so brothers! u guys can forget about reading this! X)

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Updates from Spiritual Refreshment IC
In case you didn't know, Spiritual Refreshment IC is Jun Wei. Lets start! This week we had:
14/11/08 (From Lileng!)
Psalms 46:10
Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!
I know many of you are very familiar with this, just that i didn't know it came from this verse. Well, lets not worry about things outside our control but keep still and know that He is GOD! Just do what you can and trust He can do the rest! Remember He is ALMIGHTY after all!
1 Chronicles 29:9
Then the people rejoiced, for they had offered willingly, because with a loyal heart
they had offered willingly to the LORD; and King David also rejoiced greatly.
they had offered willingly to the LORD; and King David also rejoiced greatly.
Learn to know God intimately. Worship and serve Him with your whole heart and a willing mind. For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought. If you seek Him, you will find Him. :)
2 Chronicles 16:9
For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to
show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.
show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.
The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. Stay committed to Him and be strengthened in the Lord! Jiayou! :)
1 Peter 4:10
1 Peter 4:10
As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another,
as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
God has given each of us a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another, may it be through speaking or helping others, do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies as though God himself were doing it through you. Be the vessel that you are today :)
14/11/08 (From Lileng!)
Hebrews 10:35
Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward.
So do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded! Morning e410! This verse reminds me of the friends I've pledged to reach out to. Though we're left with 1.5 months before the year ends, but let's believe that its possible to reach out to them! Everything is possible for God is with us. (: jiayou jiayou!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Your eye is on the sparrow
And Your hand, it comforts me
From the ends of the Earth to the depth of my heart
Let Your mercy and strength be seen
You call me to Your purpose
As angels understand
For Your glory, may You draw all men
As Your love and grace demand
And I will run to You
To Your words of truth
Not by might, not by power
But by the spirit of God
Yes I will run the race
'Till I see Your face
Oh let me live in the glory of Your grace
just want to share this song with you guys. (:
what touched me the most in this song was this sentence,
"Yes i will run the race, 'till i see Your face."
There are times when we can't see His hands, let alone seeing Him face to face. But still, we got to trust the heart of God. If we can't even see His hands moving in our lives, then all the more we must trust the heart of our Father Almighty, keep pressing in, keep running, until we see His face.
It may be difficult at times to even press in. But friends, let's not give up. Because a winner doesn't necessarily mean coming in first. If it is this way, then it's so sad! Because there will be only one winner! Friends, a winner is one who continues to finish the race even if he is having stitches.
SO E410! Let's not give up! But let's continue to run this race!
Monday, November 10, 2008
03rd Nov ; Psalms 32:8
The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."
there might be uncertainty in your life, but let's trust God in His guidance to the best path, whether it's school or work, His promise holds.
04th Nov ; Psalms 34:1
i will praise the Lord at all times, i will constantly speak His praise.
many at times, we praise God when we are in good times, but during bad times how many can do the same? in this chapter it shows of David in dire situation. having to act insane to escape from his enemies. yet he has never stop praising God for he knows that God is his fortress that he can depend on. so PRAISE at ALL times!
05th Nov ; Psalms 3:3
You O Lord are a shield around me. You are my glory, the One who holds my head high.
Times are not easy with especially now, where some are going through exams and others with tight schedules, moreover we are challenged by the building fund. just like to say that as indeed it is tough, but what us better than having God as a shield? so don't keep your head down and worry, but keep your head up and be proud of our Mighty God!
06th Nov ; Isaiah 6:8
Then i heard the Lord asking, "whom should i send?" i said, "here i am. SEND ME."
in my walk of 4yrs, i have been merely chasing and struggling , hoping to be of use to God. only till now, i realise i just need to surrender myself to Him, answering whatever calling He has for me. i don't yearn much, but pray to follow His calling in my life. the year is ending, BUT IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO SAY, SEND ME TO MY PURPOSE, God.
07th Nov ; Psalms 23:1
The Lord is my shepherd. i have all that i need.
at times we might feel small and vulnerable, always remember there is a Shepherd in our midst, always providing us with what we need. don't belittle yourself that you cant, but hold the hand of your shepherd and conquer what you have set out to do!
10th Nov ; Psalms 27:14
wait patiently for the Lod. be brave and courageous.
yes! wait patiently for the Lord. perhaps we are waiting for an answer or a touch from God and it just look dim now. just like to say, wait PATIENTLY for Him! stay strong and hold on for He might not be early but He is never late! (He is always on time!!)
The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you."
there might be uncertainty in your life, but let's trust God in His guidance to the best path, whether it's school or work, His promise holds.
04th Nov ; Psalms 34:1
i will praise the Lord at all times, i will constantly speak His praise.
many at times, we praise God when we are in good times, but during bad times how many can do the same? in this chapter it shows of David in dire situation. having to act insane to escape from his enemies. yet he has never stop praising God for he knows that God is his fortress that he can depend on. so PRAISE at ALL times!
05th Nov ; Psalms 3:3
You O Lord are a shield around me. You are my glory, the One who holds my head high.
Times are not easy with especially now, where some are going through exams and others with tight schedules, moreover we are challenged by the building fund. just like to say that as indeed it is tough, but what us better than having God as a shield? so don't keep your head down and worry, but keep your head up and be proud of our Mighty God!
06th Nov ; Isaiah 6:8
Then i heard the Lord asking, "whom should i send?" i said, "here i am. SEND ME."
in my walk of 4yrs, i have been merely chasing and struggling , hoping to be of use to God. only till now, i realise i just need to surrender myself to Him, answering whatever calling He has for me. i don't yearn much, but pray to follow His calling in my life. the year is ending, BUT IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO SAY, SEND ME TO MY PURPOSE, God.
07th Nov ; Psalms 23:1
The Lord is my shepherd. i have all that i need.
at times we might feel small and vulnerable, always remember there is a Shepherd in our midst, always providing us with what we need. don't belittle yourself that you cant, but hold the hand of your shepherd and conquer what you have set out to do!
10th Nov ; Psalms 27:14
wait patiently for the Lod. be brave and courageous.
yes! wait patiently for the Lord. perhaps we are waiting for an answer or a touch from God and it just look dim now. just like to say, wait PATIENTLY for Him! stay strong and hold on for He might not be early but He is never late! (He is always on time!!)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
from jed for everybody =)
Oct 22nd Matthew 10:31
Do not be afraid, not a sparrow falls to the ground without God knowing,
and we are definitely worth more than a flock of sparrows in God's eyes.
So TRUST God at all times in difficult situations for he will pull not put
you through something you cannot overcome! =)
and we are definitely worth more than a flock of sparrows in God's eyes.
So TRUST God at all times in difficult situations for he will pull not put
you through something you cannot overcome! =)
Oct 23rd Psalms 31:20
God hide those who comes to him for protection in the shelter of his
presence. In times of worries, let's stay calm and take shelter in his presence for he WILL hold true to his promise! =)
Oct 24th Ecclesiastes 4:6
Better to have one handful with quiteness than two handful with hard work and chasing the wind. Sometimes we are so busy chasing the things of both God and the world, that we feel so exhausted and accomplish nothing. Sometimes it is best we remain still in his presence, do your best and let God awe you with his mighty works! =)
Oct 28th Isaiah 28:16
The Lord place a firm and tested precious cornerstone that is safe to build on that whoever believes will never be shaken. Let's build our lives and CHURCH on this solid stone, that whoever believes will not be shaken during this building fund period but rather we will grow stronger like never before. =)
Oct 29th Psalms 27:1
The Lord is my light and salvation, whom should i fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, why should i be afraid? Personally in my life, there are many times i fear about issues in life like army and relationship, although i have lovely friends like you all (=D), i could never get an ending that i want. But only through God when i lift it up he will put everything to place. So i say to you, whatever your issues in life might be, TRUST in his promises always! =)
Oct 30th Psalm 138:8
The Lord will work out his plans for my life for his faithful love endures forever. His ways are always higher than ours, that even in times when we do not understand, we got to trust that his love conquers all. When we cannot see his hand, trust in his heart! =)
Oct 31st Romans 5:1
Therefore since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have PEACE with God because of what Jesus has done for us. Because of our FAITH, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved PRIVILEGE where we now stand and we CONFIDENTLY AND JOYFULLY look forward to sharing God's glory, even through problems and trials or even when we were utterly helpless, we can still rejoice for God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us!
k i shall update till here first will continue with the nov part tmr! sorry if i missed out any days your can just add =)
God hide those who comes to him for protection in the shelter of his
presence. In times of worries, let's stay calm and take shelter in his presence for he WILL hold true to his promise! =)
Oct 24th Ecclesiastes 4:6
Better to have one handful with quiteness than two handful with hard work and chasing the wind. Sometimes we are so busy chasing the things of both God and the world, that we feel so exhausted and accomplish nothing. Sometimes it is best we remain still in his presence, do your best and let God awe you with his mighty works! =)
Oct 28th Isaiah 28:16
The Lord place a firm and tested precious cornerstone that is safe to build on that whoever believes will never be shaken. Let's build our lives and CHURCH on this solid stone, that whoever believes will not be shaken during this building fund period but rather we will grow stronger like never before. =)
Oct 29th Psalms 27:1
The Lord is my light and salvation, whom should i fear? The Lord is the strength of my life, why should i be afraid? Personally in my life, there are many times i fear about issues in life like army and relationship, although i have lovely friends like you all (=D), i could never get an ending that i want. But only through God when i lift it up he will put everything to place. So i say to you, whatever your issues in life might be, TRUST in his promises always! =)
Oct 30th Psalm 138:8
The Lord will work out his plans for my life for his faithful love endures forever. His ways are always higher than ours, that even in times when we do not understand, we got to trust that his love conquers all. When we cannot see his hand, trust in his heart! =)
Oct 31st Romans 5:1
Therefore since we have been made right in God's sight by faith, we have PEACE with God because of what Jesus has done for us. Because of our FAITH, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved PRIVILEGE where we now stand and we CONFIDENTLY AND JOYFULLY look forward to sharing God's glory, even through problems and trials or even when we were utterly helpless, we can still rejoice for God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us!
k i shall update till here first will continue with the nov part tmr! sorry if i missed out any days your can just add =)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
heyyo ppl!
i wna thank junwei for the past few days! =D
indeed, he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
the verses that he sent for the past few days really encouraged me a lot.
no kidding. thanks yo!
and i believe, not only did he encouraged me, he encouraged himself too!
all these spiritual vitamins,.
so jed!, yays! =D
my fav! X)X)X)
You set my world on fire
I'm turning inside out to be with you
So I'll be waiting here
And our love can live forever
Coz In your eyes I've seen who I could be
So I'll be waiting here
i wna thank junwei for the past few days! =D
indeed, he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
the verses that he sent for the past few days really encouraged me a lot.
no kidding. thanks yo!
and i believe, not only did he encouraged me, he encouraged himself too!
all these spiritual vitamins,.
so jed!, yays! =D
my fav! X)X)X)
You set my world on fire
I'm turning inside out to be with you
So I'll be waiting here
And our love can live forever
Coz In your eyes I've seen who I could be
So I'll be waiting here
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Surprise Surprise
Yea guys, manage to recover the password for this older account of mine to post in gogogo Blog..
Thought of the name reminds me of old times... Anyway ya was talking to our dearest ah bing ge - jed on our way home today. You know like our cg has changed and been thru so much during the past 2 years. But right now, the energy and efforts in the cell is fantastic! especially so when every one are so busy by day/most of the week.
We got the army guys, students doin 'O's, the girls havin attachments, Annie in her very last year of NIE! finally... lol! and myself engaged in the working society and busy earning my freedom..
Just want to say that, i haven been able to bring that level of energy i have during my strive towards success to our dearest E410 all this while. I hereby owe an apology to Glenda, Cheryl, Annie and Jed, for being a "superhero" in the sense of Now u see me, Now u don't Lol! for quite a while.
Constant being in church and cell is one thing, constantly doin well impacting others is another thing. Just wanna say, hang on guys!! we can, we Can definitely progress further one step above from where we all are right now. Needing more encouragement and support for one another in doin whateva we are going thru now and then, studies and dreams.
And of cos we are into midst of October right now, just one last push for 2008. Let's get things right and done, before we come together in December when everyone are more free to meet-up chill and stuffs. Of cos a time where we look back at 2008, individually and as a cell, storing wonderful memories into the back of our head.
Just wanna end this rare post by helping Leonard to describe his Taboo card we played this noon;
Never look down,
Never look back,
we've got El Shaddai overlooking us from above,
so let us just progress on..
Stay Positive, is the word Leonard was trying to describe.
Thought of the name reminds me of old times... Anyway ya was talking to our dearest ah bing ge - jed on our way home today. You know like our cg has changed and been thru so much during the past 2 years. But right now, the energy and efforts in the cell is fantastic! especially so when every one are so busy by day/most of the week.
We got the army guys, students doin 'O's, the girls havin attachments, Annie in her very last year of NIE! finally... lol! and myself engaged in the working society and busy earning my freedom..
Just want to say that, i haven been able to bring that level of energy i have during my strive towards success to our dearest E410 all this while. I hereby owe an apology to Glenda, Cheryl, Annie and Jed, for being a "superhero" in the sense of Now u see me, Now u don't Lol! for quite a while.
Constant being in church and cell is one thing, constantly doin well impacting others is another thing. Just wanna say, hang on guys!! we can, we Can definitely progress further one step above from where we all are right now. Needing more encouragement and support for one another in doin whateva we are going thru now and then, studies and dreams.
And of cos we are into midst of October right now, just one last push for 2008. Let's get things right and done, before we come together in December when everyone are more free to meet-up chill and stuffs. Of cos a time where we look back at 2008, individually and as a cell, storing wonderful memories into the back of our head.
Just wanna end this rare post by helping Leonard to describe his Taboo card we played this noon;
Never look down,
Never look back,
we've got El Shaddai overlooking us from above,
so let us just progress on..
Stay Positive, is the word Leonard was trying to describe.
Gentle Faith
During my wk in camp, i had a conversation with sum of my platoon mates about religion. and yes. they are super surprised im from chc. alot of hoohaas there.
Anyway, they were very skeptical about why we do the things we do, and im glad i had the chance to talk to them about it and hopefully change some of their mindset.
Anyway the most impt thing that i actually wanted to mention is that they told me how i noe God is God? Does He speaks to us at all like "HELLO IM GOD."
So I told them my story near 4 yrs back, when I am too doubting whether God is there or not. I had many worries at that time, parental objection, my own struggles. It was my very first experience, i didn't know how, i didn't know wad to do.
I just told God this,
"If you're God. Show me."
After awhile, it just started raining. A gentle refreshing rain.
I was happy back then.
Some might say it's coincidence and all, but that day was the day i BELIEVED in a lil thing call FAITH. Back then, im such a young believer, i even rmb it was Howard taking me den, but my faith was the strongest den. I BELIEVE so.
I just wanna tell everybody, that in times of crisis and problems, sometimes all we rly need is to ask God, and believe. I know as people gets older, they grow skeptical of things that they will dismiss off as coincidence. But aren't we a whole lot mature now den we were younger? Have we not experience God more den we did in the past? So why is it so hard to believe now? in this lil thing call faith?
Even now in army, there are many times i will lift my burden up to Him, and when i reached the camp it always somehow settled by itself. When i tink about it, His promises always holds true. We just need to open our eyes and start looking at what He has done for us. So guys, i leave you a verse that i hold firm lately in my heart.
Psalms 15:25
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
So come on guys, let not the weary stop in their tracks, but all the more tries his/her best to refresh others so that they can too be refreshed! be the vessel of your life
Anyway, they were very skeptical about why we do the things we do, and im glad i had the chance to talk to them about it and hopefully change some of their mindset.
Anyway the most impt thing that i actually wanted to mention is that they told me how i noe God is God? Does He speaks to us at all like "HELLO IM GOD."
So I told them my story near 4 yrs back, when I am too doubting whether God is there or not. I had many worries at that time, parental objection, my own struggles. It was my very first experience, i didn't know how, i didn't know wad to do.
I just told God this,
"If you're God. Show me."
After awhile, it just started raining. A gentle refreshing rain.
I was happy back then.
Some might say it's coincidence and all, but that day was the day i BELIEVED in a lil thing call FAITH. Back then, im such a young believer, i even rmb it was Howard taking me den, but my faith was the strongest den. I BELIEVE so.
I just wanna tell everybody, that in times of crisis and problems, sometimes all we rly need is to ask God, and believe. I know as people gets older, they grow skeptical of things that they will dismiss off as coincidence. But aren't we a whole lot mature now den we were younger? Have we not experience God more den we did in the past? So why is it so hard to believe now? in this lil thing call faith?
Even now in army, there are many times i will lift my burden up to Him, and when i reached the camp it always somehow settled by itself. When i tink about it, His promises always holds true. We just need to open our eyes and start looking at what He has done for us. So guys, i leave you a verse that i hold firm lately in my heart.
Psalms 15:25
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.
So come on guys, let not the weary stop in their tracks, but all the more tries his/her best to refresh others so that they can too be refreshed! be the vessel of your life
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
TO JED! TO E410!
i was very touched when i saw ur post.
u've been good. it's already very encouraging for someone to say all these. u've been good. really.
jiayou jed! we have faith in u!
we're left w 3 more months! ure still a good brother. u may be at somewhere else, but so long we flow tgt and i knw we're all flowing tgt, ure not far away. (:
E410!, i'm really happy to be part of this wonderful cg.
let's be a cg that is so united, to be like minded, to run this race tgt.
and let's continue to encourage one another.
our church is not perfect,
our pastors are not perfect.
our zone is not perfect,
our subzone is not perfect.
our leaders are not perfect,
we are not perfect.
but our God is a perfect God. (:
I believe, In the power of Your name,
I believe, In the promise of faith,
I believe, In the love of a God,
Jesus my Saviour, I believe, I believe.
p.s. junwei! i'm trying my best to keep this blog alive! X)X)
u've been good. it's already very encouraging for someone to say all these. u've been good. really.
jiayou jed! we have faith in u!
we're left w 3 more months! ure still a good brother. u may be at somewhere else, but so long we flow tgt and i knw we're all flowing tgt, ure not far away. (:
E410!, i'm really happy to be part of this wonderful cg.
let's be a cg that is so united, to be like minded, to run this race tgt.
and let's continue to encourage one another.
our church is not perfect,
our pastors are not perfect.
our zone is not perfect,
our subzone is not perfect.
our leaders are not perfect,
we are not perfect.
but our God is a perfect God. (:
I believe, In the power of Your name,
I believe, In the promise of faith,
I believe, In the love of a God,
Jesus my Saviour, I believe, I believe.
p.s. junwei! i'm trying my best to keep this blog alive! X)X)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
hello everybody. and ty lileng. i saw the post. =)
Ty ly for the brownies. lovely. ty v for the syrup.
Ty yesheng for the chocolates. (haha all of u all want to make me gain weight rite?! muz be a conspiracy by jc!)
ty the da polo tee. Lovely, im wearing on sun. So jc pls dun wear on sun. LOL!
Anyway, i thought i should say this. (4.07am)
I know i haven been a gd brother this year. Like some have told me. U all seen me rise so high and fallen down so low. Im sorry to make everyone worried about me. Just want to say, that for someone like me that is used to helping others even on my bdaes to now that im spending my bdae rather aimlessly, it's very difficult. I will love to be running alongside wif u guys again, fighting a gd fight of faith, but i noe it will really take effort on my part, not u guys. I finally realised why in army, so many brothers backslide. Not easy to pray and read bible in there at all. None of the moments there are really mine and private. Not easy to still maintain ur childlike faith there either. Yet, i know that it's not easy for Jesus to walk on the road to calvary. I know it's not easy for Jesus to love his disciple that he knows is going to betray him. It's not easy for Jesus to willingly die on the cross for us. All these requires alot of faith and most imptly love for us. So i will like to share that im not a gd brother this yr, but i will try my best to be a better one nxt year. Nothing is easy, yet it will never be impossible for the One has pave the way for me. =)
Rmb 3 things in ur marathon.
1. Right Spirit.
2. Stamina.
3. Technique.
Will love to blog again, if time allows once again. Either ways, i really love you guys. Keep on keeping on and dun worry about me. There's a greater goal ahead of us. =D cheers.
Ty ly for the brownies. lovely. ty v for the syrup.
Ty yesheng for the chocolates. (haha all of u all want to make me gain weight rite?! muz be a conspiracy by jc!)
ty the da polo tee. Lovely, im wearing on sun. So jc pls dun wear on sun. LOL!
Anyway, i thought i should say this. (4.07am)
I know i haven been a gd brother this year. Like some have told me. U all seen me rise so high and fallen down so low. Im sorry to make everyone worried about me. Just want to say, that for someone like me that is used to helping others even on my bdaes to now that im spending my bdae rather aimlessly, it's very difficult. I will love to be running alongside wif u guys again, fighting a gd fight of faith, but i noe it will really take effort on my part, not u guys. I finally realised why in army, so many brothers backslide. Not easy to pray and read bible in there at all. None of the moments there are really mine and private. Not easy to still maintain ur childlike faith there either. Yet, i know that it's not easy for Jesus to walk on the road to calvary. I know it's not easy for Jesus to love his disciple that he knows is going to betray him. It's not easy for Jesus to willingly die on the cross for us. All these requires alot of faith and most imptly love for us. So i will like to share that im not a gd brother this yr, but i will try my best to be a better one nxt year. Nothing is easy, yet it will never be impossible for the One has pave the way for me. =)
Rmb 3 things in ur marathon.
1. Right Spirit.
2. Stamina.
3. Technique.
Will love to blog again, if time allows once again. Either ways, i really love you guys. Keep on keeping on and dun worry about me. There's a greater goal ahead of us. =D cheers.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Setting my feet in Your ways
Entering into Your presence
To behold You face to face
God of all Heaven and earth
Holding me in Your embrace
Unfailing love that surrounds me
Oh..God I stand amazed
My Jesus, My Lord
You're the love of my life
Wherever You go
Wanna be by Your side
No longer I
But Christ living in me
Serving You for all eternity
My eyes set on You
In this race that I run
No longer my ways
Let Your will be done
Make me a servant
My heart's ever true
Clinging to the cross
I'll follow You
I'll follow you
dearest E410.
don't know if anyone will even read this.
but still, i had this suddenly wanting to blog. (:
we're left with 3 more months before 2008 ends.
but i believe we can end 2008 with a blast.
and whether we will, that depends on how willing we are to serve God's kingdom.
He is not only our God.
He is also our Father in Heaven.
and serving in His Kingdom, it should not be a burden.
but a love.
would you want the company that the world can give,
the company that strangers can give,
or the company that our Father will give?
jiayou! my e410!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
1st day of FOP!: Ingredients to a healthy church.
Heyyo! FOP was fantastic! Right people? =D
My hardest paper was ytd. So finally! I can blog!
I believe some of you have missed at least 1 day's sermon.
But have no fear!
I shall now type out the sermons for all 3 days.
Do look at it and reflect. (:
Day1 (Friday)
Title: Ingredients to a healthy church.
Acts 9:31
• Acts was written by a man named Luke.
• In this verse, Luke didn't write about the programs that the church had. Instead, he talked about the atmosphere of the church.
4 Ingredients
1) Peace.
Peace = Harmony.
Peace ≠ tension, etc.
• In the beginning, man had peace with God.
• When both Adam and Eve left the garden, God could have said “Forget it!”
• But He didn’t.
• He still wants to have peace with us.
• He sent a redeemer.
A) Not only do we need to have peace with God. We also need to have the peace of God.
B) We also need to have peace with one another.
Rom 12:18
2) Encouragement
Encouragement = to build each other up.
A) Look in the good in others. And communicate!
• To affirm.
*encouragement is oxygen for the soul!
B) Help.
Help = to see the potential and to speak into this potential.
When we encourage others, use “are”, and “can become”.
Do not use “used to be”.
C) Adjust. Speak the truth in love
• Weakness that others have.
• the sooner you know of your weakness, the sooner you will solve it!
3) Comfort.
Comfort = to come alongside someone when he/she is going through difficult times.
• God often use people to comfort us.
**Reminder! In Getting Started lesson 9, we learn that we need encouragement to grow spiritually.
Hebrews 10:24 (Phillips)
4) Fear of God.
Psalm 5:10
• Obedience is the ultimate act of worship!
E410! let's apply all this points in our lives alrye! =D
ok, i'll blog about the 2nd and 3rd day tmr. or when i'm back at night.
got to go for school alr! X)
E410! GOGOGO!! =D
My hardest paper was ytd. So finally! I can blog!
I believe some of you have missed at least 1 day's sermon.
But have no fear!
I shall now type out the sermons for all 3 days.
Do look at it and reflect. (:
Day1 (Friday)
Title: Ingredients to a healthy church.
Acts 9:31
Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit; it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord.
• Acts was written by a man named Luke.
• In this verse, Luke didn't write about the programs that the church had. Instead, he talked about the atmosphere of the church.
4 Ingredients
1) Peace.
Peace = Harmony.
Peace ≠ tension, etc.
• In the beginning, man had peace with God.
• When both Adam and Eve left the garden, God could have said “Forget it!”
• But He didn’t.
• He still wants to have peace with us.
• He sent a redeemer.
A) Not only do we need to have peace with God. We also need to have the peace of God.
B) We also need to have peace with one another.
Rom 12:18
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
2) Encouragement
Encouragement = to build each other up.
A) Look in the good in others. And communicate!
• To affirm.
*encouragement is oxygen for the soul!
B) Help.
Help = to see the potential and to speak into this potential.
When we encourage others, use “are”, and “can become”.
Do not use “used to be”.
C) Adjust. Speak the truth in love
• Weakness that others have.
• the sooner you know of your weakness, the sooner you will solve it!
3) Comfort.
Comfort = to come alongside someone when he/she is going through difficult times.
• God often use people to comfort us.
**Reminder! In Getting Started lesson 9, we learn that we need encouragement to grow spiritually.
Hebrews 10:24 (Phillips)
Let us think of one another and how we can encourage each other to love and do good deeds.
4) Fear of God.
Psalm 5:10
God, show that they are guilty.
Let their evil plans bring them down.
Send them away because of their many sins.
They have refused to obey you.
• Obedience is the ultimate act of worship!
E410! let's apply all this points in our lives alrye! =D
ok, i'll blog about the 2nd and 3rd day tmr. or when i'm back at night.
got to go for school alr! X)
E410! GOGOGO!! =D
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
updates from lileng. LOL!

i couldn't find a pic of darren with the candle only, and him eating the salt. =X
but!, they are still
the apple in His eyes,
the salt of the earth,
the light of the world.
and also!,
LINN got promote to MM last sunday! yays! =D
GLENDA became OM! yay yay! =D
alrye! update finish.
hey e410! let's learn to balance our lives well yea, and not be 50%full. but 100%full! =D
and also! let's yearn for more of God in our lives! =D
Oh what I would do to have
The kind of faith it takes to climb out of this boat I'm in
Onto the crashing waves
To step out of my comfort zone
To the realm of the unknown where Jesus is
And He's holding out his hand
But the waves are calling out my name and they laugh at me
Reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed
The waves they keep on telling me
Time and time again. 'Boy, you'll never win!'
"You'll never win"
But the voice of truth tells me a different story
And the voice of truth says "Do not be afraid!"
And the voice of truth says "This is for My glory"
Out of all the voices calling out to me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth
Oh what I would do to have
The kind of strength it takes to stand before a giant
With just a Sling and a stone
Surrounded by the sound of a thousand warriors
Shaking in their armor
Wishing they'd have had the strength to stand
But the giant's calling out my name and he laughs at me
Reminding me of all the times I've tried before and failed
The giant keeps on telling me
Time and time again "boy, you'll never win!
"You'll never win"
But the stone was just the right size
To put the giant on the ground
And the waves they don't seem so high
From on top of them looking down
I will soar with the wings of eagles
When I stop and listen to the sound of Jesus
Singing over me
I will choose to listen and believe the voice of truth
GOGOGOE410!!! X)
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